

Payday Loan Relief

The more payday loans you owe, the more we can help reduce your payday loan stress by working with our team.

We help you come out of debt using one of our many Payday Loan Debt Relief debt management plans which combines all of your payday loans into one easy affordable monthly payment – while we work on validating all your loans.

Call us today to find out how you can rid yourself of payday loans forever with our payday loan debt relief!


State and Federal Law Protection

Tired of the endless cycle of having to constantly refinance your payday loans?

We know how draining it can be to live from payday to payday.While many states states have prohibited the sales of payday loans, there are still states that do accept the sales of payday loans. It is our responsibility to to help enforce the laws that were designed to protect consumers just like you from experiencing any mental and financial hardship by mismanaged payday loans.

Our team of specialists can help verify your lenders to see if your loans qualify for our service. In which if you do then we can work on getting rid of your payday loans together.

Let us help you get your finances in order. Call us today on xxxxxxx and break free from financial distress!


Legal Protection

Debt collectors use the same scare tactics over and over because they work. … If you are being pursued for debt, you may have not even been aware of that debt until a debt collector contacts you.

If you have been harassed by a debt company, bank, or collection agency, you are probably unsure of your next move is.

Don’t worry. Our  experienced team of debt experts solely working on validating your loans and backed up by a whole team of attorneys ready to act if your lenders attempt to garnish your wages or take you to court.

We are here to shield you with our legal protection support, giving you ultimate peace of mind, while working on your case.

We have a long history of successfully defending our clients against creditor lawsuits, and our attorneys will do everything in our professional power to obtain the most favorable result possible.

Why Second Chance Advocate ?

  • Lower Monthly Payments

  • You end up making only 1 monthly payment!

  • Lower Interest Rates
  • Secure Debt Resolution Plan


Call us today on xxxxxx and break free from financial distress!